PolyPortables, LLC & Innovative Rotational Molding (IRM) in Madera, California.

With an emphasis on quality, customer service, and ‘Lean’ principles, IRM of Madera California makes a perfect fit for PolyPortables, LLC.
IRM of Madera California offers a better way to serve our West Coast customers.
IRM was founded in 2007 to fill the markets’ need for custom plastic parts, with intricate details, precise dimensions and impeccable finishing. Owner Dan Humphries has over 35 years of experience in the rotational molding industry, making IRM a valued asset to our west coast customer base.

An incredible facility and central California location.
IRM’s 34,000 square foot facility houses the largest “Rock and Roll” rotational molding machine in the U.S. and other smaller machines which are capable of supporting the growing demand for PolyPortables’ products on the west coast. The facility sits on over 4 acres of land, and provides secure, well-organized storage of PolyPortables’ assembled toilets. All California orders for PolyPortables’ assembled toilets and hand wash stations will ship from IRM’s facility. We are pleased that this partnership will create 15 new jobs in the local community!

Our new PolyPortables, LLC office location
To further the ease of business for our west coast customers, PolyPortables has also opened a new office in Visalia, California. The Visalia location will house our sales staff and also maintain an inventory of replacement parts and deodorizer products for customer pick-up or quick shipment to customers in the region. With the opening of this location, we have ceased all operations at our former Porterville location.
Feel free to reach out to any of our California sales staff and place your order today!
Bryan Lowe: Division Sales Manager – blowe@polyportables.com Nancy Goodwill: Inside Sales – ngoodwill@polyportables.com Shannon Clark: Green Way Products, Division Sales Manager – sclark@polyportables.com Tel: (800) 890-1498 Fax: (559) 784-0427
9409 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia CA 93291
IRM (Innovative Rotational Molding) 2300 W Pecan Avenue, Madera CA 93637 Email: CustServe@IRM-CORP.Com